A Week in Pictures

So I’m trying this new things where I take pictures everyday to help preserve the fleeting memories of my medical school experience, seeing as 3rd and 4th year have a bit more excitement to them than years 1 and 2. I think I’ve already done a better job with this over the journal type entrees. The only time I successfully kept a journal was when I was in the 10th grade (so…10 years ago…) so it’s safe to say I think the moment has passed for me.

January 1st 

A bit of New Years cheers, as I celebrate at my parents house since I’m home for the month during my orthopedic surgery rotation. After the night had passed, I let my cat out for his first stroll of the new year (we take him out on supervised walks) and then after I let him inside, I promptly locked myself outside the house and walked my sorry ass to Publix so I could get something to eat and wait for my fiance to come help haha.

January 2nd

Back to the hospital. It’s a hospital I’ve never rotated at before which meant credentialing and scrub lab. I at least got to have something in the morning, seeing as I generally sleep until a last minute and forget that breakfast is a thing. Also, this hospital has the most hospitally hospital hallway I’ve ever seen.

January 3rd

If you know anything about me, its a very wonderful skill I have to forget to pack food because of that whole sleeping in thing I mentioned earlier. Luckily, I was saved by one the front staff who fed me whatever this is. It was excellent.

I also stayed at my parents’s house this day to dog sit while they were gone. I’ve had Rocky since I was 9, so he’s old af and needs to go out every 4 ours. He’s old as dirt but I still love him even if he can’t hear or see well and hobbles. He’s just happy to be here.

January 4th

I drew up my fist cortisone shot! This is not the one I did because I made it and gave it, this is one a PA did. In all honest, it’s much prettier than mine was, but I still did it and I felt good about it. We also traversed to the gym, which I dislike because I feel like the gym doesn’t give you any other usable skills besides running, maybe?? I like group classes and sports but since I have no access to them and staying fit is important to me, I went. Also, here’s an unattractive picture of my cat.

January 5th

I only took one picture this day and it was of this massive gel pen collection my fiance got me randomly. I haven’t used gel pens since forever, so I’m excited for them.

January 6th

I remembered to take a picture during an OR day (outside of the suite, mind you) with my OR blankey that I was allowed to have because the ortho surgeon keeps the OR at a brisk 40 degrees F. I don’t scrub in for arthroscopic cases, so that means without a little protection I’d basically just be standing the OR freezing my ass off.

Besides being cold as hell inside, I did get a chance to warm up with hot pot, Vietnamese style (my fiance is Vietnamese) as well as a picture of a cat that my dad sent me while he was doing consults. He works as a sales rep, doing big ticket items for homes like windows, gutters, etc. And he’ll take pictures of the pets for me because I love pets. And just as big of a deal, I got a cover for my keyboard. Since I don’t have mac, I don’t get all the pretty cases and things so this was very exciting for me.

January 7th

It snowed. I guess.

January 8th

STUDIED AT STARBUCKS. I love studying at Starbucks, because I like being around people even if I’m not interacting with them.
They did give me coffee instead of my chai tea latte. I got it fixed but I learned today I still can’t, and probably won’t ever be able to drink coffee. I stay awake solely on willpower and anxiety.
Also, I ended up on the far side of town today which means we got to go to Trader Joe’s!! I never get to go! If you haven’t ever had them I highly recommend the macaroons.
I also started the hunt for away rotation spot and starting to pick where I may want to interview…I’m going to a lot of help with this so let the hunt begin.

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